Economic-Social Reasons for the 1917 October Revolution

Also known as the Bolshevik Revolution.

What it achieved(In summary): Removal of the provisional government and installing power to the local Soviets,who were dominated by Bolsheviks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Success of Vladmir Lenin

Vladmir Lenin was a charismatic man who lead the Bolsheviks in Russia. The Bolsheviks called for "Power to the Soviets" and an end to the war, while Vladmir Lenin was a great believer in the German theorist, Karl Marx, 's theories of Communism. With the rising failure of the provisional government, Lenin seemed like the most fit man to take charge of Russia and her interests.

To quell the anti-government demonstrations, the provisional government closed down the Bolsheviks. After the Bolsheviks were closed down, Lenin went into hiding, but came back to Russia on 7 October, 1917 and started planning the revolution. He proposed a government based on the Soviets. This would indirectly mean that Russia's government would consist mainly for the worker's interest. Support for the provisional government collapsed, and most of the Russians started to support his communist ideals.

Finally, under Lenin's leadership, on the 25th of October, the Bolsheviks seized the capital of Russia.

In summary, Lenin charmed the masses with his strong pro-communism arguments and his promises to reform Russia , paving the path to the creation of Communist Russia.

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